Hi Markus,
Thanks for responding. I still can't seem to get this to work.
Here are my steps:

> r.stream.extract elev=dtm thresh=500000 stream_rast=stream_500 stream_vect=stream_500 dir=fdir_500
> r.stream.order stream=stream_500 dir=fdir_500 table=stream_order
> v.db.connect map=stream_500 driv=sqlite table=stream_order key=cat layer=2

Here I get:
The table <stream_order> is now part of vector map <stream_500> and may be
deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Cannot create index:
create unique index stream_order_cat on stream_order ( cat )
index stream_order_cat already exists

WARNING: Cannot create index
Select privileges were granted on the table

> v.category stream_500 opt=report layer=2
Layer/table: 1/stream_500
type       count        min        max
point        248          1        237
line         237          1        237
boundary       0          0          0
centroid       0          0          0
area           0          0          0
all          485          1        237
Layer/table: 2/stream_order
type       count        min        max
point        248          0          2
line         237          0          1
boundary       0          0          0
centroid       0          0          0
area           0          0          0
all          485          0          2

Why in layer 2 are there only 2 cat values? Shouldn't I get all the cats as in layer 1 when I use "key=cat" in the v.db.connect?? Do I need to delete and recreate the cats in layer 2 ?

And finally, the export:
GRASS 6.4.2 (ITM):~/GIS/DEM/LIDAR_EinYahav > v.out.ogr -c -e stream_500 type=line dsn=stream_500.shp layer=2
WARNING: 248 point(s) found, but not requested to be exported. Verify
         'type' parameter.
Exporting 485 geometries...
WARNING: 124 features without attributes were written
v.out.ogr complete. 237 features written to <stream_500> (ESRI_Shapefile).

Why am I getting 485 geometries? and why are 124 with no attributes?

Many thanks,

On 08/28/2012 11:15 PM, Markus Metz wrote:
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Micha Silver<mi...@arava.co.il>  wrote:
A few more details regarding v.out.ogr when layer=2
I see this ticket, possibly similar: http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/991

I tried to export to PostGIS, and again, all attribute fields are created
but all values are NULL. I also tried with the layer 2 database as a dbf
file, instead of sqlite. Same result.

This was all with GRASS 6.4.2 on scientific linux 6
What does v.category op=report say? Are there any categories in layer
2? If not, there is nothing to export.

Markus M


On 08/28/2012 02:57 PM, Micha Silver wrote:

I'm having two problems when exporting the output of r.stream.order to a
I have attached the created table (saved in my setup in sqlite) to the
'streams' map thru layer 2. Then
v.db.select streams layer=2
shows all the details of strahler order, prev_str, etc.

First problem: When I try to do v.out.ogr, the column header named
"next_stream" fails because it's 10 characters long, too long for a
shapefile dbf. As a result all attributes are missing.  Here's a patch to
io.c in r.stream.order I put in place to correct this:

  [micha@SL6 r.stream.order]$ diff -u io.c.orig io.c
--- io.c.orig    2012-08-28 12:21:46.020275045 +0300
+++ io.c    2012-08-28 12:22:17.951382882 +0300
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
      /* table definition */
      char *tab_cat_col_name = "cat integer";
      char *tab_stream = "stream integer";
-    char *tab_next_stream = "next_stream integer";
+    char *tab_next_stream = "next_str integer";
      char *tab_prev_streams;
      char *tab_strahler = "strahler integer";
      char *tab_horton = "horton integer";
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
      char *tab_hack = "hack integer";
      char *tab_length = "length double precision";
      char *tab_cumlength = "cum_length double precision";
-    char *tab_stright = "stright double precision";
+    char *tab_stright = "straight double precision";
      char *tab_fractal = "fractal double precision";
      char *tab_distance = "out_dist double precision";
      char *tab_topo_dim = "topo_dim integer";

(Also corrects a small typo in the column name "stright")

After recompiling, then rerunning the r.stream.order addon, the sqlite table
now has all column headers<= 10 characters suitable to shapefile.

Problem 2, where I'm stuck. I export the vector map using :
v.out.ogr streams layer=2 dsn=streams.shp
The process finishes OK, and the shape is created with all attrib columns,
but *all* values are NULL (including the cat). Any ideas what I've done


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Micha Silver
GIS Consultant, Arava Development Co.

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