Dear List,

I am trying to create a hillshade map with shadowing effect of the topography. It seems r.sunmask should be my weapon of choice, but it is incredibly slow. Then I found a mail to the userlist in 2007 where Markus replies on this issue( saying that extracting NULL values of the incidence angle map in r.sun would be an alternative.

Is this still the better way or are there alternatives nowadays? I might miss something as the tool is quite complex in its options and am not aware of how to use the r.horizon approach, but running r.sun in simple mode -using elevation, aspect and slope as input- is still slow and produces a gradient across the map. Am not sure if this is the correct output.

r.sun -s elevin=r_dem incidout=r_sun_shadow aspin=r_aspect slopein=r_slope day=80 time=17 --o

Thank you for any help.

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