On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Moritz Lennert
<mlenn...@club.worldonline.be> wrote:
> On 11/12/12 09:55, Anna Kratochvílová wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Moritz Lennert
>>> Maybe we should rename this to something that shows that it is a general
>>> tool for comparing two maps ?
>> I already got used to that name but surely we can discuss it. Still I
>> consider the 'swipe' functionality more important and interesting (and
>> also more difficult to implement).
> I clearly appreciate the work you put in this, but I think naming should aim
> the use by users not the difficulty for developers to implement the
> functionality ;-)

Of course, that's why i put it into brackets.

> I don't want to launch a long discussion on this, and you're the developer,
> but your great work has already got me dreaming about other functionalities
> that might be nice to have in there:
> - a query tool that when you click on a spot in one of the maps gives you
> the info for both
I was also thinking about this.

> - allow to display vector maps, not only raster (including one of each)
This is already on the wish list on wiki.

> - a button that launches Michael's new histogram tool to directly show the
> histograms of the two maps
> - etc

You can add those on the wiki:

> Well, hey, it's Christmas, soon ! ;-)

Hm, don't be disappointed if these presents won't come on time :)


> Moritz
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