
I have 2D isolines in GRASS vector format with elevation in an attribute
field called height.
I used v.surf.rst function to create raster DEM. However, after creation,
it outputs a DEM
with value 0 elevation only. The description of the function is given as
below. What would
be the possible cause for this? I am using wingrass 7.

cheers, Brian.

v.surf.rst -z input=isoline@TOPOIKDATA zcolumn=height elev=elev_1m

Reading features from vector map ...
Ignoring 86730 points (too dense)
Processing segments...
WARNING: Taking too long to find points for interpolation - please change
the region to area where your points are. Continuing calculations...
WARNING: Taking too long to find points for interpolation - please change
the region to area where your points are. Continuing calculations...
WARNING: Taking too long to find points for interpolation - please change
the region to area where your points are. Continuing calculations...
WARNING: Taking too long to find points for interpolation - please change
the region to area where your points are. Continuing calculations...
v.surf.rst complete.
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