I am a new user to GRASS, so my apologies for any extremely basic questions
or mistakes.  I have used ARC and QGIS lightly for a couple of years.  I am
having one problem, and then I have one question about an analysis I want
to do.

1.  The main issue I am having is that GRASS has stopped rendering maps.
Even with the Spearfish data.  I am running GRASS 6.4.2 on a Macbook Pro
OSX 10.6.8.  I have updated all of the dependencies from kyngchaos' site,
in the order that they are listed, and then installed the newest stable
GRASS, after trashing the old version.  My GRASSdata folder is in my home
folder.  I have a few locations, some of my data (vector), one of the
Spearfish data, each has a PERMANENT folder within it.  I was able to run
through the first basic tutorial on the Spearfish data yesterday morning.
When I tried it on my own data, I go to 'Add Vector map layer', in the GUI,
it adds it, but the command console tab says "ERROR: Rendering Failed",
with no information on why.  It is now doing this on the Spearfish data,
either vector or raster.  In the Map Display, nothing shows up, but if I
switch to digitize on vector data, I can see my sampling sites and stream
network as separate layers.  The data tables are there.  This is data that
has been exported from QGIS, all WGS84, as ESRI shapefiles, with the
workspace extent set by the first imported layer.  I'm sure it is something
very simple that I am doing, but I can't figure it out.

2.  What I want to do is get an distance matrix along stream paths.  I have
a layer that has my sampling points, and a layer of river network.  I can
get linear distances between the sampling points through QGIS, but what is
more important is river distance.  Will v.distance allow me to get this

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jesse Becker
grass-user mailing list

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