-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 6.4.x or 7 and the neteler mitasova book
From: Jason Paul Joines
To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
Date: 2013.01.31.Thu.10:54:02
>     I'm a Linux user and need to really brush up on my GIS as I'll
> probably be using it heavily for the next five years as part of a new
> job.  I'm trying to decide which version of GRASS to get started with again.
>     Version 7 is tempting since a first release is do soon and I could
> probably keep using the 7.x series for many years.  Is it missing much
> functionality at this point?
>     I have a copy of the third edition of the GRASS book by /Markus
> Neteler, Helena Mitasova./  It was written for a much earlier version of
> GRASS 6 than the 6.4.x series.  Will this book be at all useful in
> learning 6.4.x or 7?  Does anyone know if there are plans for a new
> edition aimed at GRASS 7?
> Jason
> ===========

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 6.4.x or 7 and the neteler mitasova book
From: Paulo van Breugel
To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
Date: 2013.01.31.Thu.13:20:23
> I guess it depends what you are going to use it for, but I think grass
7 is more or less on par in many area, and has more functionality in
others (http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass7/NewFeatures). There are
a number of things that run better in grass 7.0, for example handling of
vector layers and working with large data sets.
> Of course, version 7 is a development version, with the associated
risks. How much time you have to deal with bugs in your job? Having said
that, I am not too sure version 7.0 is that much more buggy then 6.4.
There was some discussion on this issue on the email list one or two
weeks ago.
> I also have the book, and it is still very useful, also for using with
grass 7.0. Which underlines that from an user interface perspective
changes aren't that big (don't get me wrong, there are clear and
important improvements, but they will not feel alien if you are used to
6.4). Sure, there are quite a lot of changes in the names of function
parameters and flags, but these are clearly listed (see link given
earlier) and are more or less consistent so you get them quick enough.It
certainly is something you should be aware of though if you plan to
write a lot of scripts in 6.4, because you probably will have to adapt
them when moving to grass 7.x.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 6.4.x or 7 and the neteler mitasova book
From: Markus Neteler
To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
Date: 2013.02.01.Fri.02:56:46
> Hi,
> btw: we are slowly preparing the 4th edition which will be for GRASS 7.
> Best,
> Markus
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    Thanks for all the information.  It was relatively straightforward
to build 7.0.svn_src_snapshot_2013_02_02 on Kubuntu 12.04.2 so I'm going
with that.  I'm looking forward to the updated book too.

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