On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 6:30 PM, Carla Rebelo <crreb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have footprint buildings and the height value (type double
> precision) of each footprint.
> v.info -t map=buildings@
> nodes=250
> points=0
> lines=0
> boundaries=243
> centroids=88
> areas=89
> islands=8
> faces=0
> kernels=0
> primitives=331
> map3d=1
> After the v.extrude step "v.extrude --overwrite --verbose
> input=buldings@ output=buildings3D hcolumn=Height type=area
> v.info -t map=buildings3D@
> nodes=646
> points=0
> lines=0
> boundaries=0
> centroids=0
> areas=0
> islands=0
> faces=743
> kernels=88
> primitives=831
> map3d=1
> When I visualized the file 3D from NViz, I have seen some of the
> buildings with a black filling (it's black inside or the top of
> building is black) ....
> Is it a problem of rendering? Or a problem with the topology?

Some of the buildings look ok? I've just tried a small example and it
works for me .

There could be a problem with the normal vectors of the faces.
Unfortunately I don't know much about the topology of kernels.


> Best regards,
> CR
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