Luís Mário Ribeiro wrote:
> Been using histo.match thru the GUI. The command that appears in the output
> window is (in this example just 3 images):
> i.histo.match
> input=normalized.LT52030312007052MPS00_tr_reflec3_int@histomatch,normalized.
> LT52030312007052MPS00_tr_reflec4_int@histomatch,normalized.LT52030312007180
> M PS00_tr_reflec3_int@histomatch max=1000

I guess (not sure though) it is the same error once pointed to me by Luca 
Delucchi:  the "." in the input raster map names is not allowed :-(.

You need to rename them...  Maybe a quick test first to be sure.  Shrink your 
region and test.  Be sure you have beforehand a MASK or else which you use to 
set the computational region.  Or, export your current working region in a 
vector map?  (<--

Hope it works, Nikos
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