On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:54 AM, BLANDENIER Lucien <
lucien.blanden...@unine.ch> wrote:

> I'm actually using grass on Window but I would like to migrate to Linux.
> Which distribution do you suggest for a new Linux user? I like the Mint
> distribution but there is not the latest grass version (only the 6.4.1).


I had used Ubuntu for several years, but recently changed to Linux Mint.
 So far, I am very happy with the decision.  Like other's had mentioned,
Linux Mint can use Ubuntu repositories so you can get all the latest
goodies from UbuntuGIS (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGIS).

The UbuntuGIS "unstable" is not as it may sound; it has packages which
technically may be labeled unstable, but they are not necessarily unstable
software packages to where you have software crashes.  Others can add
insight, but my experience with the "unstable" PPA has been very good.

As a new Linux user, I recommend using the binary packages.  Compiling from
source can be frustrating and time consuming if not having done it many
times before.  It is definitely worth learning how to compile software on
Linux, however, the fastest way to get up and running with GRASS GIS (and
other GIS packages) on Linux is using the binaries.

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