Tim wrote:
> Below a suggestion for the packaging structure:
> regarding addon packaging. We can create packages like
> grassaddons(full addons)
> grassaddons-imgagery
> grassaddons-vector
> grassaddons-raster
> grasssaddons-general

if you do it, please name the pacakges like "grass-addons-*",
and install to /usr/lib/grass64/addons/. We'd have to patch our
lib/init/init.sh in the main ubuntu package to add that dir
to the GRASS_ADDON_PATH if it existed on the system.

I'd base the decision on if to package them all together or
in groups based on how big the resulting package was. if it's
just a couple of MB, keep it simple in one pkg-- note for
official debian packaging all the docs and help page images
would need to be split out into another platform-inspecific
-data &/or -docs package(s). So your 4-5 packages above grow
to 12-15 of them.. for a weekly ppa build it doesn't matter
though. (the reason for that on Debian is to avoid duplicated
space in the archives since 11 different hardware platforms,
each needing their own binary pkg but can share the -data one)

note some of the things in addons are either experiments or
still in development, AFAIK by placing the module in the
../Makefile the developer is announcing that it is fit for
human consumption.

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