On 05/03/2013 01:18 PM, Hamish wrote:
jr.morreale wrote:
Then what would be the limit for grass7 with 4gb of ram, no
topology/database ? Can it handle billions of points ?

In my experience, it can (even GRASS 6), if:

a) you rasterize the input data directly (r.in.xyz,
as suggested by Hamish).

b) your file system supports files > 4GB (which really
just about anything except a VFAT formatted USB drive
should these days)


c) (in case you want to export the results for use
with another GIS) your GDAL has a GeoTIFF driver
that has 64 bit BigTIFF support enabled.

To save storage space, use single precision
floating point data if you can.



I don't really know to be honest. Try the experimental approach
and keep an eye on `top`, and let us know the results. :) See the
grass wiki FAQ for a hint on adding temporary swap space on Linux
if you need it.

r.in.xyz can handle many billions of points without trouble for
non-exotic statistical aggregations; memory use there is more a
matter of raster region size and you can do multi-pass if memory
is an issue on a really really huge region.

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Dr. Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
{*} Geospatial Consultant
{*} GIS Developer

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