Frank Warmerdam:

> >> Perhaps you were hoping to do the RPC based warp within GRASS?

Nikos Alexandris:

> > Yes, I was hopping to say something like:

( Yeah, right... hopping :D )

> > --%<---
> > in=NITF.ntf out=NITF sds=1 band=1,2,3,4 transform=rpc[,tps]
> > [resampling=n,b,c,cs,l,a,m]
> > --->%--

Markus Metz:
> This is mixing different concepts, i.e. import and georeferencing. You
> can use i.rectify after importing raster data. RPC is not supported by
> GRASS, thus the gdalwarp approach is most probably the preferred
> solution. In good GRASS tradition, you could also figure out a
> reasonable target grid geometry and set this with the corresponding
> option to gdalwarp.

Ok -- On/Off: would it make sense to be able to say

grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF

and, if need be, select the SDS that contains/is the SRS, i.e.

grass -c Some_NITF_Container /grassdb/Location_Based_On_NITF sds=2


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