
I'm using GRASS 7.0 svn from a few weeks ago on Ubuntu 13.10 (not that I
think either is an issue). I have imported a fairly large shapefile from
here: -- 3084
KB. It imports just fine into a lat/long Location and displays just fine,
but when I try to reproject the map into a LCC projection Location, I lose
feature data for most of the 12 (large) polygons. These polygons are
displayed (unfilled with any color) in my map, and when I query them I get
no attribute info; the other polygons (about 4 out of the 12) are fine. I
have tried the reprojection several times with identical results. This same
result occured with GRASS 6.4.x as well.

I have successfully reprojected other vector maps from my lat/long Location
into my LCC Location without issues. It seems I have hit a memory problem??
My computer has 8GB RAM.

One thought is to import the vector map directly into my LCC Location; if
memory serves there is a way to do this from the command line, but I can
not remember how...

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