On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:47 PM,  <frie...@free.fr> wrote:
> Please allow me to answer my own request: based on further analysis on basic
> synthetic terrain models, I figured out that r.sunmask will only work on a 
> projected
> framework. Hence, I re-projected the WGS-84 DEM obtained from SRTM and indeed 
> managed
> to get meaningful cast shadow representations.
> I quickly summarized some of my experiments (using GRASS 6.4.3-2 as a plugin 
> to QGis 2.0.1)
> at http://jmfriedt.free.fr/proj_grass/projection.html which might (or might 
> not) be useful
> to others.

Thanks for writing that up!

You may consider r.sun as well in order to compute cast shadow. I
played around with it recently, see

(maybe you have seen that already posted around)

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