Hmm, the manual page does not say so explicitely,
but maybe band numbering starts with "0"?
In that case your band 3 would have index number "2".


On 13/02/14 10:48, manuel.martin wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for the reply. I tried with the band option but it looks like
> gdal does not detect the multiple fields as multiple bands :
> GRASS 7.0.svn (lambert93):~ > --o \
> input=/home/manuel/Desktop/sftp/Projets/Projets/Zones-humides/base_sig/dsm_data/clc/clc06_250m
> \
>> band=3 output=testclc
> WARNING: Raster map <testclc> already exists and will be overwritten
> WARNING: Datum <Not_specified_based_on_GRS_1980_ellipsoid> not recognised
>          by GRASS and no parameters found
> Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
> ERROR 5:
> /home/manuel/Desktop/sftp/Projets/Projets/Zones-humides/base_sig/dsm_data/clc/clc06_250m:
> GDALDataset::GetRasterBand(3) - Illegal band #
> ERROR: Selected band (3) does not exist
> Cheers, Manuel
> On 02/12/2014 08:25 PM, Benjamin Ducke wrote:
>> Hi Manuel,
>> GRASS does not support multi-band rasters, so you'll have
>> to import each band as a separate raster map.
>> has the "band=" option to specify a band number
>> to import.
>> Best,
>> Ben
>> On 12/02/14 17:05, manuel.martin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I tried to import an ArcGIS binary raster (corine land cover for the
>>> French territory) with three fields on each pixels (VALUE, COUNT and
>>> CODE_06) using the ** command. The import works just fine,
>>> except that in the resulting raster, in GRASS, I only get one field,
>>> which seems to be the VALUE field (and not the CODE_06 field, which I am
>>> interested in, and which is a categorical field, although coded with
>>> integers).
>>> Is there a way to produce a resulting raster with all the fields of the
>>> initial ArcGIS layer, or alternatively to choose one unique field? Also,
>>> is there a limitation on categorical fields. For instance, what if
>>> instead of integer corine land cover codes I have literal labels, i.e.
>>> levels of my categorical field coded with strings?
>>> Cheers, Manuel
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Dr. Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
{*} Geospatial Consultant
{*} GIS Developer
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