
I'm having some problems with password authentication when trying to
connect to postgresql.

Here is the generated error:

(Fri Mar 21 10:25:16

g.remove vect=building@PERMANENT

Removing vector <building@PERMANENT>

DBMI-Postgres driver error:

Cannot connect to Postgres: FATAL:  password authentication

failed for user "pshapley"

WARNING: Unable to open database <postgis> by driver <pg>

WARNING: Unable open database <postgis> by driver <pg>

WARNING: Unable to find table <npt_planning.building> linked to vector map

WARNING: couldn't be removed

WARNING: <building> nothing removed

(Fri Mar 21 10:25:17 2014) Command finished (0 sec)

Is this problem linked with Ticket #1274 because if i use 'v.in.ogr' (with
the -t) option

it imports all the geometries without the attributes (not much use)?. When
the import is finished

I am asked to 'try to rebuild topologies with v.build' but this does not

Any ideas would be great.


*Paul Shapley*
grass-user mailing list

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