Hi Don

I think you can solve this using grass 7 (you can download it from http://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/). This version includes a new option for r.cost that copies the value of the nearest cell. You can solve the problem using

r.mapcalc "streamH=if(isnull(stream.thin),null(),FD)"

r.cost -k input=area.one output=dtv start_rast=streamH nearest=nearestH

nearestH will contains the elevation of the nearest stream

Best regards

Juan Carlos Torres                      | http://lsi.ugr.es/~jctorres
Laboratorio de Realidad Virtual         | Tlf.: (+34) 645 885 167
Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos |       (+34) 958 249 307
ETS. Ing. Informatica                   |     interno ugr  71 260
Univ. de Granada                        | FAX: (+34) 958 243 179

El 21/03/14 23:47, MacQueen, Don escribió:
I'm stating with a DEM (named FD).

First I find streams:
   r.watershed elevation=FD stream=stream
   r.thin input=stream output=stream.thin

Then, for each point on the DEM, I need
  The distance to the nearest point in a stream
  The elevation difference to the stream point

I can get the distance by gollowing the example "Computing a distance map"
in Neteler & Mitasova's GRASS book:
   r.mapcalc area.one=1
   r.cost -k input=area.one output=dtv start_rast=stream.thin

So far so good, and the results make sense

But I would very much appreciate suggestions for the elevation difference.

I have been looking at various r.* routines, such as r.drain, but haven't
yet found a solution. I have very little experience with raster analysis.
(and in fact, I'm using the R package spgrass6 to manage the above steps)


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