
I'm using GRASS 70-svn on Arch linux to generate figures for a report. The general process is

1) GRASS - d.out.file format=png
2) xfig - import the PNG file, annotate, and export as PDF
3) TeX - import the file in a dvipdfm \special

However, I'm now having problems with non-functional PNG files from d.out.file. Just below is a paste from my console. You can't see the error from inside xfig, but the line just below "xfig" is the stderr output from attempting to import demo_png.png.

GRASS 7.0.svn > d.out.file out=demo_png.png format=png size=800,600

                              Mapset <final> in Location <beartooth>
GRASS 7.0.svn > xfig
Warning: translation table syntax error: Missing '(' while parsing action sequence
'arning: ... found while parsing ':~Ctrl<Key>1: insert-string(1)
Warning: String to TranslationTable conversion encountered errors
libpng error: invalid file gamma in png_set_gamma

The resulting PNG file will import into Imagemagick OK, and can then be exported back out as a PNG file which xfig will accept, so there is a work around, but maybe this is easily fixed? I've had a look at Anna's python script but haven't gone into the imported modules.

Thanks, Dave
David W. Roberts                                     office 406-994-4548
Professor and Head                                      FAX 406-994-3190
Department of Ecology                         email
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3460
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