
kml is usually more used for vector data.
looking at the header "<img style="margin-right: 0px;"
src="", it seems that r.out.gdal is just
writing the binary code for your raster in an image tag in the kml file ...

Have you try to transform your raster into vector (
http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/r.to.vect.html) and then to export
the vector to kml ?


2014-07-23 20:26 GMT+02:00 Vishal Mehta <vishalm1...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to classify a LANDSAT8 image. In the process, i'd like to
> export an unsupervised classification i did (using i.cluster, followed by
> i.maxlik) raster (type:CELL) into kml/kmz, so that I could get some visual
> idea of the classification. the classification is from 1 to 10, with null
> data present.
> r.out.gdal -c input=lsat2014_unsupervised@PERMANENT
> output=C:\Users\Vishal\Documents\GIS\file3.kmz format=KMLSUPEROVERLAY
> type=Byte nodata=0
> but no matter what flags i try, i get a black box on google earth.
> I'm just using the GUI options, Grass7svn on Windows. FYI, I do know how
> to do this by modifying add-on r.out.kml in Linux, but it would be good if
> i could just do my entire workflow on one platform.
> Thanks!
> Vishal
> --
> Vishal K. Mehta, PhD
> Sr Scientist
> Stockholm Environment Institute - US
> 133 D St Suite F
> Davis CA 95616
> www.sei-us.org
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