Paul Shapley wrote:

I want to use the following Landsat 8 workflow to obtain some pansharpened
images but have a problem when i convert the DN values to 8bit for
pansharpening. Here is my preferred workflow in Grass 7.0.0RC2.

·            (success)
·                     i.landsat.toar (success)
· r.rescale bands 432 & 8 (convert reflectance 'DN'
values to 0-255, 8bit)

·                     i.pansharpen bands 432 with 8
· r.rescale (convert 0-255 values back to reflectance
·                     i.colors.enhance (pansharp bands)
·                     d.rgb

My this a valid workflow? because i'm getting the same two errors below and the images when displayed look solid grey when viewed with


just some thoughts:

- why mix the term "Digital Number (DN)" with Reflectance? DN's are (supposed to be) the result of the quantisation (and calibration) of the energy that hits the sensor. And Reflectance (unitless) is the result of radiometrically processing the DN values.

- Not sure if the values of the end-product, as in the work-flow you outline above, can be called Reflectance.

- Landsat8 is 16-bit. Once you downscale down to 8-bit, how would you come back to the 16-bit details? I think the radiometric detail is lost.

Instead, import > DN to ToAR > Pan-Sharpen with i.fusion.hpf (to not loose the fine digits which are important if you seek for more than just sharp visuals for viewing purposes).

Best, Nikos
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