thanks for your recommendation of the igraph-package. This would make
indeed sense for more complex analysis.
At the moment I am just interested in an GRASS (native) way to get a stream
order for a vector network. For this, purpose, and I guess also for using
the igraph package, one needs the information of the start (from_node) and
endnode (to_node) of each arc. So I am still looking how this information
can be extracted in GRASS and e.g. written into the attribute table?!

Best regards,

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Blumentrath, Stefan <> wrote:

>  Hi Johannes,
> For more complex network analysis I can warmly recommend the igraph
> package (, which has both Python and R bindings).
> It comes very handy for customized network analysis, is not too
> complicated to learn, well documented and quite efficient.
> I could provide you with some sample code in R if that would be of
> interest.
> Cheers
> Stefan
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Johannes Radinger
> *Sent:* 18. mars 2015 10:30
> *To:* GRASS user list
> *Subject:* [GRASS-user] Stream order for vector networks
> Hi,
> I am interested in calculating stream order (Strahler, Shreve) for stream
> networks based on GRASS vector networks (e.g. created by without
> using the raster approach of the GRASS add-on Therefore, I
> came across following paper:
> Gleyzer, A., Denisyuk, M., Rimmer, A. and Salingar, Y. (2004), A FAST
> NONBRAIDED NETWORKS. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources
> Association, 40: 937–946. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2004.tb01057.x
> which also provides pseudocode to calculate Strahler order for non-braided
> and braided vector networks defined by arcs and nodes. Thus, I am wondering
> if it is possible to get the information from which node a specific arc
> starts (from_node) and where it drains to (to_node). BTW, I seems some kind
> of this information is already provided with the NC-dataset (FNODE_ and
> TNODE column) in the streams attribute table, however I don't know where
> this information comes from. Of course to extract this information the
> network needs to be directed to define what is the upstream and what the
> downstream node of each arc. However, having this information available, it
> should not be to complicated to apply the algorithm proposed by Gleyzer et
> al 2004. Thus I am interested to get 'from_node' and 'to_node' information
> e.g. stored in the attribute table of output?
> Here the pseudocode provided by Gleyzer et al 2004:
> ########################################################################
> MakeDictionaries(Network)
> 1 for each Arc ∈ Network
> 2 do FromNodesPerArc[Arc's ID] ← Arc’s FromNodeID
> 3 InflowingArcsPerNode[Arc's ToNodeID] ← InflowingArcsPerNode[Arc’s
> ToNodeID] ∪ Arc’s ID
> 4 OriginatingNode[Arc's ID] ← Arc’s FromNodeID
> StreamOrdering(ArcID)
> 1 Visited[ArcID] ← true
> 2 if | InflowingArcsPerNode[ FromNodesPerArc[ArcID] ] | = 0
> 3 then StreamOrders[ArcID] ← 1
> 4 else
> 5 for each Arc ∈ InflowingArcsPerNode[ FromNodesPerArc[ArcID] ]
> 6 do if not Visited[Arc]
> 7 then UpstreamOrders[Arc] ← (StreamOrdering(Arc), OriginatingNode[Arc])
> 8 else UpstreamOrders[Arc] ← (StreamOrders[Arc], OriginatingNode[Arc])
> 9 MaxOrder ← 0
> 10 MaxOrderCount ← 0
> 11 for each (Order, Origin) ∈ UpstreamOrders
> 12 do if Order > MaxOrder
> 13 then MaxOrder ← Order
> 14 MaxOrderCount ← 1
> 15 MaxOrderOrigin ← Origin
> 16 else if Order = MaxOrder
> 17 then if Origin ≠ MaxOrderOrigin
> 18 then MaxOrderCount ← MaxOrderCount + 1
> 19 if MaxOrderCount > 1
> 20 then StreamOrders[ArcID] ← MaxOrder + 1
> 21 OriginatingNode[ArcID] ← FromNodesPerArc[ArcID]
> 22 else StreamOrders[ArcID] ← MaxOrder
> 23 OriginatingNode[ArcID] ← MaxOrderOrigin
> 24 if SegmentIDsPerOriginatingNode[ OriginatingNode[ArcID] ] = nil
> 25 then SegmentIDs[ StreamOrders[ArcID] ] ← SegmentIDs[
> StreamOrders[ArcID] ] + 1
> 26 SegmentIDsPerOriginatingNode[ OriginatingNode[ArcID] ] ← SegmentIDs[
> StreamOrders[ArcID] ]
> 27 Segments[ArcID] ← SegmentIDsPerOriginatingNode[ OriginatingNode[ArcID] ]
> 28 return StreamOrders[ArcID]
> ########################################################################
> Is there anyone having experience with that, or has already tried to
> implement a vector-stream order approach in GRASS GIS. Specifically I am
> interested
> in Shreve stream order for simple (non-braided) stream networks and
> Strahler stream order for braided river networks (Gleyzer et al 2004).
> Best regards,
> Johannes
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