Thanks Stefan

It seems first of all v.out.ascii is slow. Following your proposaI, the tmp-file has only 5300 observations after 9min15s. As I have 650.000 points this export will need approx. 18h! Can I speed this up somehow? (Database-driver is dbf)


P.S. g.region -up & are given below.

##g.region -up
projection: 99 (Swiss. Obl. Mercator)
zone:       0
datum:      ch1903
ellipsoid:  bessel
north:      1297000
south:      1074200
west:       2484400
east:       2834800
nsres:      25
ewres:      25
rows:       8912
cols:       14016
cells:      124910592
 Number of points:       647957          Number of centroids: 0          |
| Number of lines: 0 Number of boundaries: 0 | | Number of areas: 0 Number of islands: 0 |
 | |
 |   Map is 3D: No                                               |
 |   Number of dblinks: 1                                                |
 | |
| Projection: Swiss. Obl. Mercator |
 | |
 |               N:           1294822    S: 1075554                 |
 |               E:           2831184    W:           2486245

On 30.07.2015 13:59, Blumentrath, Stefan wrote:

Hi Patrick,

From my experience is very fast.

How many points are you processing ( pt) and what are your region settings (g.region –up)?

In order to find out where time is spend yo could split upt the process into two steps:

v.out.ascii input=pt output=./tmp column=VAL input=./tmp z=4 output=pt method=sum



*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *patrick s.
*Sent:* 30. juli 2015 10:18
*To:* Markus Neteler
*Cc:* GRASS user list
*Subject:* Re: [GRASS-user]


I tested the approach you proposed, but seems to be very slow for large datasets: I am processing ~1000.000 points of observation on a 25m-Grid across Switzerland, where only few cells have multiple points inside. While / takes a few minutes for conversion, the combination "/v.out.ascii input=pt output=- column=VAL | input=- z=4 output=pt method=sum/" has been running for multiple hours and is still in progress.

Is there any alternative to run this conversion? I need it to run neighborhood analyses as kernel density with population field, i.e. /r.neighbors in=pt out=pt_dens -c size=300 meth=sum/. Maybe there is an approach to directly use the vector data and avoid conversion- something as /v.neighbors meth=sum/?

Thanks for you help,

On 24.07.2015 04:13, Markus Neteler wrote:

    On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:00 AM, patrick s.<>  
<>  wrote:

        Dear all

        I am puzzled on the behavior of When several points fall 
into one

        gridcell, the raster seems to get one value but not the sum of these. Is

        there a way to sum these up instead?

    Yes. I have added a related example here:

    (while it does not really fit to that manual page it is expected

    there. Perhaps we need to really enhance to do such a job

    right away).



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