On 18/09/15 17:38, Veronica Andreo wrote:
Hi Soeren, list

I need some help with t.rast.algebra. Well, if it is that my problem is
really a t.rast.algebra problem...

I have 2 strds with different granularities. A is an annual time series
that contains the min annual temperature, B is a monthly time series
containing the min monthly temperature. I want to compare the two of
them, and when a pixel of B equals that of A, I need to get the
start_month(B) but with the temporal resolution of A. So, what I want as
output is a yearly time series containing the month in which the minimum
temperature of each year occurs. Does that make any sense??

I been studying t.rast.algebra all morning now and trying different kind
of relationships (with no success), and I got lost in the different
relationships and the different ways to express them.

Can someone point me to the right way of using t.rast.algebra for this

No help for t.rast.algebra, but wouldn't looping over the years and applying t.rast.series with method=min_raster get you what you want ?

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