
2016-02-09 19:19 GMT+01:00 Vicent García <vicent_mont...@hotmail.com>:
> I’m having a problem with the module “r.in.lidar” in Grass GIS 7.0.3 for
> Windows 10: I can’t execute it. Everytime when I try to do it, the same
> message is displayed on the screen manager “can't open file 'r.in.lidar':

launching r.in.lidar from terminal says that liblas_c.dll is not
available. I checked it on build server and it's right (I guess that
you are using 64bit installation, 32bit has liblas installed). I have
updated build environment, could you check next daily build [1] (so
build no. >= 66)? Please let us know if it works for you. Then I will
re-package 7.0.3 to include liblas also for 64bit installator. Martin

[1] https://wingrass.fsv.cvut.cz/grass70/x86_64/

Martin Landa
grass-user mailing list

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