Dear list members,
I know this is more a python question than a GRASS question, bot for sure
some of you knows the ansewer and is able to help me....

I need to get a python list with the maps from a group, like

But by using gscript.read_command.... i get string, not a list.

gscript.read_command("", group=groupname, flags="l" )
'group <LE72270902002150EDC00_toar> references the following raster
 \n<LE72270902002150EDC00_toar.7@landsat>    \n-------------\n'

Your help is appreciated!
Dr. Leonardo A. Hardtke
Laboratorio de Teledetección y S.I.G.
Centro Nacional Patagónico (CONICET)
Bvd. Brown 2825, 9120
Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
grass-user mailing list

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