Dear community,i moved the .bin and .gri file to our ftp
user: gispassord:mErcat0r ( 0 is a zero not a capital O)

There I have the two files and some png files, that shows the .gri file that I 
was able to open in Global Mapper a while ago. About the question from Markus 
Metz. Sofar, I know I know both files content the same information but in 2 
different formats. Here some explanations about the  internal structure of the 
file------- free translation from norwegian to english------:

Liten forklaring av formatet:Første linje inneholder følgendeinformasjon:First 
line contents the following  information
   57.000000   72.000000    1.000000  33.000000    0.025000    0.050000 
57.000000          Minste bredde (min latitude)
72.000000          Største bredde(max latitude)
1.000000             Minste lengde(min longitude)
33.000000          Største lengde(max longitude)
0.025000             Bredde inkrement(latitude increment)
0.050000             Lengde inkrement(longitude increment)
 Alle andre linjer inneholderdifferanser mellom NN2000 og NN1954.Other lines 
content difference beween old (NN54) and new model (NN2000)
Første verdi, -3.048, harposisjon lengde 1 og bredde 72, neste verdi lengde 
1+0.05 og bredde 72, så1+0.05+0.05 og 72 osv.First values -3.048 has position 1 
longitude, 72 latitude. next values  has 1+0.05 longitude and latitude 72 and 
so on ... 1+0.05+0.05 og 72

Når lengda har nådd 33, begynnerneste bredde som er 72-0.025. Første verdi  ved 
denne bredda fårposisjonen lengde 1 og bredde 72-0.025, så lengde 1+0.05  og 
bredde72-0.025, deretter  lengde 1+0.05+0.05  og bredde 72-0.025 osv.
So, when the longitude has reached 33, then it starts with the next latitude 
which is 
72-0.025. First values heres is then longitude 1 and latitude 72-0.025, so 
  longitude 1+0.05  and latitude72-0.025, then longitude 1+0.05+0.05  and 
latide 72-0.025 and so on.
 Sagt på en annen måte: etter32/0.05=640 verdier begynner en ny bredde som er 
0.025 mindre enn den forrige.
In short: after 32/0.05=640 values, a new latitude is started,which 0.025 less 
than the one before.
 End of translation-----
As you see I was able to open the .gri file in a test version of global mapper, 
but I woudl rather do it in my software combination  of preference 
 I hope the infomation above is more useful to you Markus Metz , than it was to 
me .

As for the question from Markus Neteler, the values used where standard values 
already present in in the example comman line,since I do not know how many 
columns and rows they are in the .bin file. 

Thanks for the helpbest regards.Rengifo Ortega

      Von: Markus Metz <>
 An: Markus Neteler <> 
CC: Rengifo Ortega <>; GRASS User List 
 Gesendet: 10:06 Donnerstag, 26.Mai 2016
 Betreff: Re: [GRASS-user] opening .gri anf .bin files in grass gis.
On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 12:23 AM, Markus Neteler <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Rengifo Ortega <> wrote:
>> Dear Grass  Community.,
>> first of all a greeting to the community. I have a question and hope some of
>> you can help me with it.
>> I have got a .gri and a .bin file that represent  a geodetic height modell
>> in Norway,which can be downloaded for free from here.
> ... unfortunately it wants a password.
>> So, I have tried unsucessfull to import  the .bin file into GRASS GIS and
>> the .gri file is not even read into GRASS GIS. Have any of you tried to open
>> a .gri file in GRASS GIS.
>> i tried the with the following parameters with not success:
>> try 1:
>> NNTrans2016A.bin out=nntranstest r=5400 c=10800 n=72 s=57 w=
>> 1 e=33 bytes=2
>> try 2:
>> NNTrans2016A.bin out=nntranstest r=5400 c=10800 n=72 s=57 w=
>> 1 e=33 bytes=4
>> try 3:
>> NNTrans2016A.bin out=nntranstest r=5400 c=10800 n=72 s=57 w=
>> 1 e=33 bytes=8
>> In all three cases I got the  following error;
>> WARNING: File Size 1577088 ... Total Bytes 116640000
>> ERROR: Bytes do not match file size

Is it possible that these files are not raster maps but reference
grids for the Norwegian height model HREF NN2000 to be used e.g. by

Just a guess,

Markus M

> So, is the file size 116640000 bytes?
> Guestimating, I get
>> 5400*10800
> [1] 58320000
>> 116640000 / 58320000
> [1] 2
> --> 2 bytes.
> Or is the size 1577088 bytes?
> Markus
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