Le 9 janvier 2017 20:43:37 GMT+01:00, Rafaela Soares <rafaelaniem...@gmail.com> 
a écrit :
>Hi Moritz!
>I've reinstalled v.lidar.mcc using g.extension in another computer, but
>seems that it did not work.

It did in that you don't have the same error. Now the issue seems to be with 
v.outlier.  As Anna says, we would need the error message in order to be able 
to debug this.

If the temporary files still exist, you can try to run v.outlier directly and 
check the output:

v.outlier --oq ew_step=0.5
outlier=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ng_8330 filter=positive lambda=2.0 
input=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncin_8330 threshold=0.4 output=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncout_8330


>He returned this report:
>(Mon Jan 9 13:39:58 2017)
>v.lidar.mcc input=q16_p02@q16_total_jun2016 ground=q16_p02gro
>Processing scale domain 1...
>Processing scale domain 2...
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "/home/carlos/.grass7/addons/scripts/v.lidar.mcc",
>line 278, in <module>
>File "/home/carlos/.grass7/addons/scripts/v.lidar.mcc",
>line 229, in main
>overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev)
>File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>line 410, in run_command
>return handle_errors(returncode, returncode, args,
>File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>line 329, in handle_errors
>grass.exceptions.CalledModuleError: Module run None
>['v.outlier', '--o', '--q', 'ew_step=0.5',
>'outlier=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ng_8330', 'filter=positive',
>'lambda=2.0', 'input=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncin_8330',
>'threshold=0.4', 'output=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncout_8330',
>'ns_step=0.5'] ended with error
>Process ended with non-zero return code 1. See errors in the
>(error) output.
>(Mon Jan 9 17:06:51 2017) Comando terminado (206 min 53 sec)
>Best Regards,
>*Rafaela Soares Niemann*
>Geografa  - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP
>Mestranda em Geografia - Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP Rio
>2017-01-09 13:32 GMT-02:00 Moritz Lennert
>> On 09/01/17 16:11, Rafaela Soares wrote:
>>> Hi Anna,
>>> Thanks for your attention.
>>> The module v.lidar.mcc creates two products (point cloud): ground
>>> non-ground. So, after I installed Linux Mint on my computer, the
>>> is not creating ground file, only file of non-ground and also files
>>> not understanding what it are.
>>> Example for output:
>>> ***
>>> /home/eddard/Downloads/v.lidar.mcc.py <http://v.lidar.mcc.py>
>>> input=q16@q16_total g_output=q16_gro ng_output=q16_ngro
>>> Processing scale domain 1...
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/home/eddard/Downloads/v.lidar.mcc.py
>>> line 243, in
>>> <module>
>>>     sys.exit(main())
>>>   File "/home/eddard/Downloads/v.lidar.mcc.py
>>> line 214, in
>>> main
>>>     grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = temp_ncin, quiet =
>>> True, stderr = nuldev)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>>> line 410, in run_command
>>>     return handle_errors(returncode, returncode, args,
>>> kwargs)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>>> line 329, in handle_errors
>>>     returncode=returncode)
>>> grass.exceptions.CalledModuleError: Module run None
>>> ['g.remove', '--q', 'vect=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncin_18102'] ended
>>> with error
>>> Process ended with non-zero return code 1. See errors in the
>>> (error) output.
>>> Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/atexit.py", line 24, in
>>> _run_exitfuncs
>>>     func(*targs, **kargs)
>>>   File "/home/eddard/Downloads/v.lidar.mcc.py
>>> line 106, in
>>> cleanup
>>>     grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = '%s,%s,%s' %
>>> (temp_ng, temp_ncin, temp_ncout), quiet = True, stderr =
>>> nuldev)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>>> line 410, in run_command
>>>     return handle_errors(returncode, returncode, args,
>>> kwargs)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>>> line 329, in handle_errors
>>>     returncode=returncode)
>>> CalledModuleError: Module run None ['g.remove', '--q', 'vect
>>> =v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ng_18102,v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncin_18102,v_lidar
>>> _mcc_tmp_ncout_18102'] ended with error
>>> Process ended with non-zero return code 1. See errors in the
>>> (error) output.
>>> Error in sys.exitfunc:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/atexit.py", line 24, in
>>> _run_exitfuncs
>>>     func(*targs, **kargs)
>>>   File "/home/eddard/Downloads/v.lidar.mcc.py
>>> line 106, in
>>> cleanup
>>>     grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = '%s,%s,%s' %
>>> (temp_ng, temp_ncin, temp_ncout), quiet = True, stderr =
>>> nuldev)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>>> line 410, in run_command
>>>     return handle_errors(returncode, returncode, args,
>>> kwargs)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/grass73/etc/python/grass/script/core.py",
>>> line 329, in handle_errors
>>>     returncode=returncode)
>>> grass.exceptions.CalledModuleError: Module run None
>>> ['g.remove', '--q', 'vect=v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ng_18102,v_lidar_m
>>> cc_tmp_ncin_18102,v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncout_18102'] ended with
>>> error
>>> Process ended with non-zero return code 1. See errors in the
>>> (error) output.
>>> (Mon Dec  5 22:28:30 2016) Comando terminado (4983 min 19 sec)
>>> What can I do wrong?
>> I don't think you are doing anything wrong. It rather looks like the
>> version you use is and old version of v.lidar.mcc. The parameters of
>> g.remove have changed in grass 7 and v.lidar.mcc does not use a call
>> as "grass.run_command('g.remove', vect = '%s,%s,%s'" anymore.
>> Try reinstalling v.lidar.mcc using g.extension.
>> Moritz
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