On Thu, May 18, 2017, at 12:28 AM, Anna Petrášová wrote:
> Are you sure this is the feature causing the error? This seems to be
> ok. Can you also post the output of
> grass.vector_what(map='Obs_20170329@PERMANENT',
> coord=(1548324.30568,12154706.4547),  distance=100)

I'm not actually sure which feature caused the problem, now that you
mention it. I tried again with just that map:

    [start grass]
    d.mon start=wx0

    d.vect map=Obs_20170329@PERMANENT

And it seems to work fine.

So I added the other layers one at a time to figure out which was the

d.vect map=counties@PERMANENT type=boundary
d.vect map=usa type=boundary

And now I find the problem is actually the usa map. This is an outline
of the USA. So I retried the commands from before using this map:

v.what -j map=usa coordinates=1698426.136563,12132061.925937
{"Coordinates": {"East": "1698426.136563", "North": "12132061.925937"},
[{"Map": "usa",
"Mapset": "PERMANENT"}

That sort of makes sense, as the coordinates are outside of the
boundaries of the usa. But in that case v.what.vect should just return
'nothing found'? Does the output indicate something wrong with this map?

Thanks again,

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