On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 1:30 PM, Paul Shapley <p.shap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Users,
> Apologies if i'm posting this error again but i need to get pass the
memory allocation issue of trying to allocate 3gb memory. The Grass version
is (using file r.contour). Processor has 32 gb ram and i've allocated 30000
mb under memory option of 'i.segment'.
> System Info

> GRASS version: 7.4.1

> GRASS SVN revision: r72807

> Build date: 2018-06-13

> Build platform: i386-w64-mingw32

> GDAL: 2.2.4

> PROJ.4: 4.9.3

> GEOS: 3.5.0

> SQLite: 3.17.0

> Python: 2.7.4

> wxPython:

> Platform: Windows-2008ServerR2-6.1.7601-SP1 (OSGeo4W)


> ERROR: G_malloc: unable to allocate 2995426350 bytes of memory at

this error appears because all other memory has already been allocated,
there is less than 3 GB free RAM left.

It seems that the current region has more than 20 billion grid cells. Does
this match the input to i.segment? You might want to check the current
region settings and compare them with extents and resolution as reported by
r.info on the input to i.segment.

Please provide the output of g.region -p and r.info if you want more
detailed help.

Markus M

> --
> Paul J. Shapley MSc CGeog (GIS) FRGS
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