On 28/06/18 09:59, Paul Shapley wrote:

I am trying to export a vector map to PostGIS. Has anyone come across the 'Unable to describe table' error? I suspect my config could be wrong.

v.out.postgis --overwrite input=APGB_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_peat_with_exposed_haggs_vct@PERMANENT output=PG:dbname=webgis output_layer=APGB_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_peat_with_exposed_haggs_vct options=FID=cat, GEOMETRY_NAME=wkb_geometry, SPATIAL_INDEX=YES, PRIMARY_KEY=YES
DBMI-PostgreSQL driver error:
select * from grass_gis.APGB_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_peat
_with_exposed_haggs_vct where 1 = 0
ERROR:  relation "grass_gis.apgb_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_
peat_with_exposed_haggs_vct" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from
DBMI-PostgreSQL driver error:
select * from grass_gis.APGB_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_peat
_with_exposed_haggs_vct where 1 = 0
ERROR:  relation "grass_gis.apgb_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_
peat_with_exposed_haggs_vct" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from
*ERROR: Unable to describe table* <grass_gis.APGB_aerial_2_i_segment_drained_peat_with_exposed_haggs_vct>

It looks like it is trying to read the input attrubute table from postgresql (schema grass_gis). Do you use PostgreSQL as attribute table backend ? Could you provide the output of db.connect -p in that mapset ?

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