'less /proc/meminfo' shows:

MemTotal:        3874108 kB
MemFree:         2977416 kB
MemAvailable:    2972780 kB

  top tells me that firefox is using ~14% of that. Nothing else is using
more than ~1.2%

  In ~/.bash_profile I 'export GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM=1'.

  When I run r.contour it cannot allocate 671472 bytes of memory. This seems
to me to be an amount well within the free or available memory. What can I
do to ensure sufficient RAM to run the module?

  The error (which appears after ~8% of the file has been read) is:

Current region rows: 47371, cols: 83934
ERROR: G_malloc: unable to allocate 671472 bytes of memory at

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