On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 9:51 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>
> On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, Daniel Victoria wrote:
>> The manual [1] gives the following examples. Did you try that?
>> *grass74 -c EPSG:5514:3 $HOME/grassdata/mylocation* Creates new GRASS
> Daniel,
>   I've used the '-c EPSG:....' option before. The issue with the DLQs is
> what EPSG code to use. Markus M pointed out that the ones shown by
> refer to aspects of the SRS, not the entire projection. That's why I used
> the proj.4 string, apparently under the mis-impression that it provides
> location projection information for importing raster files.

The proj4 string can provide all the information needed, but sometimes some
additional information is only contained in the WKT version of the SRS.
Please use the datasource directly to create a new location.

Markus M
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