On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 11:02 AM, Moritz Lennert
<mlenn...@club.worldonline.be> wrote:
> On 15/07/18 13:52, marion-bru...@sfr.fr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for the clarification on the clumps, it makes more sense for me
>> now.‌
>> However you said :
>> "Ideally, the clump option of r.volume should be optional. You could file
>> an enhancement wish on trac for that."
>> But I don't really understand what you mean by "an enhancement wish on
>> trac for that", could you explain it a bit more ?
> Yes, sorry, I understand that this is not clear language for someone new to
> the community. trac is the software we use for bug ticket management, as
> technical wiki and it allows you to browse the source code [1].
> Whenever you detect a bug, or you wish to see an enhancement to GRASS GIS,
> you can file a ticket on trac. This gives a more solid existence to you wish
> as bugs or wishes declared in messages sent to the mailing list often get
> lost in the mass of mails.

BTW: You can also find some explanations here:

Please suggest text changes if needed.

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