On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Paul Shapley <p.shap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Users,
> Trying to import an 8.7gb (jpeg2000) image into Grass 7.4.1 64 bit. I get
> the error below. Tested the image in another OS GIS package and it opens
> without issue. Not sure why Grass wont import it.
> Thanks everyone!
> Paul Shapley
> (Wed Jul 18 09:19:16 2018)
> r.in.gdal -o input=J:\Spatial
> Data\Aerial\APGB_received_20180416\aerial_25cm.jp2 output=aerial_25cm_master
> memory=3000
> Over-riding projection check
> Importing 3 raster bands...
> Importing raster map <aerial_25cm_master.red>...
> ERROR 1: Marker is not compliant with its position
> ERROR 1: opj_decode() failed

As posted by others, this is a problem of your GDAL installation.

Please check which of the several JP2000 drivers you actually use.
They quite differ in performance and compatibility.
Also: which GDAL version do you use?

Markus (who frequently works with JP2 data)
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