Hi all,

this is probably a simple question, but it is unclear to me when reading
the manual of the tool v.net:
The parameter 'arc_layer' (same holds true for 'arc_node') is
described as "Vector
features can have category values in different layers. This number
determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the
layer name." Here it is unclear if this refers to the layer of the input or
the output? So if I set 'arc_layer=2', does this mean that my arcs are
saved in the output network in layer 2, OR does this mean that v.net uses
layer 2 from the input vector to create arcs from?
I have the feeling that the descriptions of 'arc_layer' and 'node_layer'
are default descriptions of the parameter 'layer' (e.g. see manual of
v.to.rast); IMHO this could be improved in the manual of v.net.

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