Le 9/25/18 à 4:10 PM, Moritz Lennert a écrit :
On 25/09/18 15:40, Frank David wrote:
Thank you Vero,

If I well understand, r.series return always floating values. But from trunk r73206 we expect something different... Ok I will wait for the next release, and continue with a int().

But I still not understand from where r.series return such values (more or less 0.03) from integer... it's mysterious!

It creates bins that correspond to the data. So for value 1 it creates a bin 0.972549-1.003922, etc.

You can try r.describe -i to get integer output.


Thank you Mortiz,

but why not 0.5-1.5 or 0.9-1.1, I don't understand the reason of that precise floating value... but it's not that important.


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