Dear ?

May I encourage you to send such questions to the mailing list, and not as private mail to the developers.

On 31/10/18 11:43, wrote:
Dear Moritz

I having the same problem you solved here 
And I would really appreciate if you show me how you deleted all those white 
spaces because my .PLY file has millions of points and I can't do it manually

It depends on your OS.

In GNU/Linux (and I guess Mac OSX), it is quite simple to use either a tool such as sed, with a rule like

s/ $//g


sed "s/ $//" BascFin2.ply > CorrectedFile.ply

Or you can use a similar regular expression in a text editor such as vi, gedit or whatever your favorite.

I don't know what the capacities of standard MS Windows tools are in that respect.


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