Hello all,

If I use <read> instruction inside my psmap file the command > ps.map input=myfile.psmap output=myfile.ps does not work and the exit message is :

enter 'help' for help, 'end' when done, 'exit' to quit

But if I execute inside a shell loop, like > ls 01*.psmap |while read fic;do ps.map input="${fic}" output="${fic%.*}.ps" --overwrite;done it works! But I cannot run multiple ps.map with ls *.psmap. The error message is :

ERREUR :myfile.psmap : illegal request

If I comment <read> instruction with # inside my psmap. everything is working.

I have put my <read> just before the last <end> instruction. The read file contains only a v.points layer.

Using a <read> is very powerfull, but ps.map in a shell loop is also very usefull... to be able to do both would be ideal !

Thanks for your tricks if any



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