I'd like to point out that the combination of d.title and d.text is not working also on my system. I don't use the d.* modules much any more, but after seeing the OP's repeated posts, I decided to try.

I'm using Linux Mint, and here's what I did:

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > g.list rast
GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > g.region rast=srtm_negev_3arc

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.mon wx0                             # empty monitor appears GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.rast srtm_negev_3arc                 # map displays OK
# Now I try to add a title:

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.title -d map=srtm_negev_3arc color=red     # -d flag should display on wx0, but...
GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > ERROR: Failed to run command 'd.text
       at=50,50'. Details:

       GRASS_INFO_ERROR(11330,1): Unable to open input file

# The tmp file is indeed missing:

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > ll /home/micha/GIS/grass/WGS84/PERMANENT/.tmp/TP480/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 micha micha 4096 Dec  7 13:21 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 micha micha 4096 Dec  7 13:19 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 micha micha    0 Dec  7 13:40 11143.0.leg
drwxr-xr-x 3 micha micha 4096 Dec  7 13:20 MONITORS

# Another try

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.title map=srtm_negev_3arc color=red size=10 | d.text align=cc
GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ >                     # No title appears

# How about text without d.title

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.text text="My Title" color=red at=5,5         # Now text appears as expected!

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > echo "Second title" >> my_title.txt

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.text input=my_title.txt color=red at=25,25     # Again text appears

# And d.title piped into a file also works:

GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.title map=srtm_negev_3arc > my_title2.txt
GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > cat my_title2.txt
.C black
.S 4.000000
srtm_negev_3arc in PERMANENT

North:      32.00  South:      29.00
West:       33.00  East:       36.00
Resolution: n-s:    0.00  e-w:    0.00
GRASS 7.4.0 (WGS84):~ > d.text input=my_title2.txt color=red at=75,75    # Text appears as expected

So maybe something is missing/not working in d.title | d.text combination ??

Regards, Micha

On 12/7/18 1:33 PM, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
I just want to ask when i run the module d.title it does shown the title
So why the d.title does not work
relevant part taken from the manual:

Output created by d.title can be redirected into a file, or piped directly
into d.text to display the map TITLE created by d.title.

have you tried d.title + d.text?

best regards
Sent from:http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Grass-Users-f3884509.html
grass-user mailing list
On 12/7/18 9:16 AM, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
Opearting system=eindows 8.1
Grass gis version = 7.4
Command typed in cmd=
d.mon wx0
d.title map=soils color=red size=6 -s
Then no tiles appear
Why the module is not working
have you read the manual?


d.title generates to standard output a string which can be used by d.text to
draw a TITLE for the raster map layer name in the active display frame on
the graphics monitor. Output created by d.title can be redirected into a
file, or piped directly into d.text to display the map TITLE created by
d.title. The map TITLE created will include the map layer's name, TITLE,
MAPSET, LOCATION_NAME, geographic region boundary coordinates, and cell
resolution. If the -d draw flag is used, then d.title will call d.text for
you and the title will be automatically rendered to the display.
For example, a user wishing to create a suitable TITLE for the Spearfish, SD
soils map layer and to display this TITLE in the active display frame on the
graphics monitor might type the following:

     d.title map=soils color=red size=5 > TITLE.file
     d.text < TITLE.file

Alternately, the user might pipe d.title output directly into d.text:

     d.title map=soils color=red size=5 | d.text

A file created by d.title can be displayed with d.text. Information
contained in this file takes precedence over the color and size parameters
for d.text.

you need to use d.title in connection with d.text, e.g. on the OSGeo4W cmd

d.mon start=wx1
d.rast map=elevation

d.title -d map=elevation color=red size=5
d.title map=elevation color=red size=5 | d.text

d.mon stop=wx1

best regards
Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Grass-Users-f3884509.html
grass-user mailing list

Micha Silver
Ben Gurion Univ.
Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
cell: +972-523-665918

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