Dear GRASS community,

The past few weeks I created a Grass vector file consisting of points by
visually interpreting objects. This was used as input vector for in order to extract segments from another vector map which
resulted from a previous i.segment and i.segment.stats run. Then I created
a copy of the points and of the selected segments as back-up using the
g.copy command.
After my next step using v.what.vect to extract attribute data
(descriptions and class codes) from the points to the segments, I noticed
not all data was extracted. Only 26 of the 278 segments obtained attribute
data. When checking the original file and the copy with the interpreted
points, only 30 records were showing (loading), while the metadata says
there should be 375 points.
The difference between 375 points and 278 segments can be explained by a
big probability that multiple points are overlapped by 1 segment. Likewise
for the difference between 30 and 26.
However, I don't have an explanation for the big difference between the 30
showing/loading rows and the 375 points that should be present according to
the metadata. Also, from the >10 interpreted classes only 2 types are still
represented when showing the attribute table. I assume there is a database
error, but there weren't any error notifications in the command output.

Is there anyway of obtaining or restoring the attribute data?

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