
Did you try with vpoints and the where option? I mean, in one vpoints
block, select the presences with where and use color and fcolor to control
outline and fill, and then, with another vpoints block select the absences.
Not sure if it'll work but worth a try.

I have never used the rgb column but if none doesn't work as expected
according to the manual, I think it's worth a bug report with a
reproducible example from NC location.


El jue., 9 may. 2019 04:38, Johannes Radinger <johannesradin...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm using ps.map to produce nice GRASS maps that combine some vector lines
> (vlines) and points (vpoints).
> For the points I want to distinguish between two types (presence and
> absence of species at a location) by using different colouring/filling: One
> set of vpoints should be printed as black-filled circles the other set
> should be transparent circles (i.e. just the outer line, no filling). If
> possible, I'd like to provide this information via the 'rgbcolumn' argument
> of vpoints in ps.map.
> While using a value of '0:0:0' in the rgbcolum for black-filled circles
> works well, using "none" in the rgbcolumn does not work to produce
> transparent circles, i.e. circles with no filling. This rather raises an
> error "Invalid RGB colour definition in column". I also couldn't find any
> answer here:
> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/ps.map.html#NAMED_COLORS
> How can I set a point transparent (i.e. no filling) in ps.map?
> Thanks for yours answers!
> /Johannes
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