Hi Tom:

On 02/09/2019 2:11, Thomas Adams wrote:

I'm running GRASS 7.6.0, I built from source, on Ubuntu 19.04. No issues up to this point. However, for the first time -ever-, I'm trying to use v.in.gps:

v.in.gps -t input=/home/teaiii/Current.gpx output=slv_test_track

I don't know what the story is with v.in.gps. The code looks strange:

    if format == 'gpx':
        # short circuit, we have what we came for.
#        grass.try_remove(output)
#        os.rename(tmp_gpx, output)
        grass.verbose("Fast exit.")

But this seems to work fine:

micha@TP480:work$ v.in.ogr input=Current.gpx output=test_trk layer=tracks
Check if OGR layer <tracks> contains polygons...
Creating attribute table for layer <tracks>...
Importing 1 features (OGR layer <tracks>)...
Building topology for vector map <test_trk@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...

the Current.gpx file looks very reasonable (attached). When I run the above command, I get no errors, but the slv_test_track vector file is not created either -- no errors are generated. I installed GPSBabel *after* building GRASS 7.6. Any thoughts what I'm doing or have done wrong?

Thank you,


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Micha Silver
Ben Gurion Univ.
Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
cell: +972-523-665918

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