On Thu, 12 Sep 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:

I have a large DEM reprojecting from lon/lat to Lambert Conformal Conic and
specified the lanczos_f method to minimize smoothing (the west edge of the
DEM is at the coast).

I would like to learn how to minimize processing time when modules accept
a higher-than-default amount of memory dedicated to them and the maps are
very large.

The wiki page on parallel grass jobs, working with tiles section, looks like
the way to go.

Has anyone a more complete example of using g.region and WIND_OVERRIDE so I
can see what I need to do with the 31 remaining large 10m DEMs that need to
be reprojected? The ellipses leave me clueless about dividing a raster file
with 8*10^7 cells.

I'm looking forward to learning this,

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