Earlier today I entered a ps.map bug in trac; I don't know how to find that
and add more information so I ask your indulgence for my proving that
additional information here.

Running ps.map on a *.psmap file produces a *.ps file with no errors.
However, displaying the file (which is correctly done) is accompanied by
these warnings, for which an example is shown:

$ gv white-sturgeon.ps Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Cannot convert string 
 to type FontSet
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset

I've not seen these warnings when viewing other postscript files so I'm
assuming they're related to the font issues with vlegend that prevents the
postscript file from displaying.



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