Hello grass-community,

Actually I’m working for a research project (master thesis) with point data, that were exported from dronedeploy one year ago. Unfortunately processing the exported LAS-files is quit challenging, as there are some issues with the file format (e.g. the projection). My aim is to import the data into Grass-GIS to process it there with the 3D-fragmentation tool. But till now I was not able to import it… So I thought I’ll ask for some help here.

I tried to process the data with several tools, like lidR package in R-Studio and LAStools. First I had to change the projection with las2las to a appropriate (EPSG 3116) one, to be able to display it correctly in these tools. Now I can do further processing with the data, like creating grids. By the way, these grids are located correctly when loading them to a GIS-application. So coordinates seem to be correctly. Anyway loading the point-data to Grass-GIS (with v.in.lidar tool) fails, because the points are in a wrong location/projection. I did not use -r (limit to current region), so this can not be the problem. First it did calculate something and added a vector map that seemed to be empty, because there was nothing displayed. Actually it doesn’t even start calculating and there is no vector map produced. I copied the output below. I already got the hint to try importing a ASCII text by converting the LAS file with PDAL. So I will try installing PDAL on my PC. Anyway, maybe some has a solution for the v.in.lidar problem.

QGIS version: 3.10.2-A Coruña
QGIS code revision: d4cd3cfe5a
Qt version: 5.11.2
GDAL version: 3.0.4
GEOS version: 3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1
PROJ version: Rel. 6.3.0, January 1st, 2020
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'v.in.lidar' starting…
Input parameters:
{ '-b' : False, '-c' : False, '-t' : False, 'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : '1209933.8649246846,1210526.7738715957,820900.5310786865,821470.5180333158 [EPSG:3116]', 'GRASS_VECTOR_DSCO' : '', 'GRASS_VECTOR_EXPORT_NOCAT' : True, 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'class_filter' : '', 'input' : 'C:\\Users\\oc\\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\\Dokumente\\Uni\\Master\\Daten\\Daten_Stuktur\\points\\110_1.las', 'limit' : None, 'offset' : None, 'output' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'preserve' : None, 'return_filter' : [], 'skip' : None, 'spatial' : None, 'zrange' : [nan,nan] }

g.proj -c proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=4.59620041666667 +lon_0=-74.0775079166667 +k=1 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=1000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" g.region n=821470.5180333158 s=820900.5310786865 e=1210526.7738715957 w=1209933.8649246846 v.in.lidar -o input="C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente\Uni\Master\Daten\Daten_Stuktur\points\110_1.las" output=output2221d86f3dd44a7c84ead4bac980f243 --overwrite v.out.ogr type="auto" input="output2221d86f3dd44a7c84ead4bac980f243" output="C:\Users\oc\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_073544cf878b4dd8b5311a6a5d27abcc\cc8523d5d751483b9922084e16845571\output.gpkg" format="GPKG" -c --overwrite
Starting GRASS GIS...
WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows
Cleaning up temporary files...
Executing <C:\Users\oc\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_073544cf878b4dd8b5311a6a5d27abcc\grassdata\grass_batch_job.cmd> ...
C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente>chcp 1252 1>NUL
C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente>g.proj -c proj4="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=4.59620041666667 +lon_0=-74.0775079166667 +k=1 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=1000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default
Projection information updated
C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente>g.region n=821470.5180333158 s=820900.5310786865 e=1210526.7738715957 w=1209933.8649246846 C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente>v.in.lidar -o input="C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente\Uni\Master\Daten\Daten_Stuktur\points\110_1.las" output=output2221d86f3dd44a7c84ead4bac980f243 --overwrite C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente>v.out.ogr type="auto" input="output2221d86f3dd44a7c84ead4bac980f243" output="C:\Users\oc\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_073544cf878b4dd8b5311a6a5d27abcc\cc8523d5d751483b9922084e16845571\output.gpkg" format="GPKG" -c --overwrite
ERROR: Vector map <output2221d86f3dd44a7c84ead4bac980f243> not found
C:\Users\oc\OneDrive - HH Gruppe\Dokumente>exit
Execution of <C:\Users\oc\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_073544cf878b4dd8b5311a6a5d27abcc\grassdata\grass_batch_job.cmd> finished.
Cleaning up temporary files...
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Execution completed in 13.86 seconds
{'output': <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {'sink':TEMPORARY_OUTPUT, 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}

Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:\Users\oc\AppData\Local\Temp/processing_073544cf878b4dd8b5311a6a5d27abcc/cc8523d5d751483b9922084e16845571/output.gpkg</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.

Kind regards, Olivier Canon

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