On 2020-03-15 at 15:11 -07, Stefan Blumentrath <stefan.blumentr...@nina.no> 
> I have no experience with garray, but raster2numpy function in pygrass
> worked quite well for me:
> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/libpython/pygrass.raster.html#pygrass.raster.raster2numpy

Thank you for this suggestion. This works but raises new issues.

1) Fully external-to-GRASS interactions works better for me. This solution 
requires running Python from within GRASS, which adds an extra layer, which 
makes it harder to get to the same place interactively in Python and debug.

2) Worse, it seems I need to run the $GRASS_PYTHON version which is 
/usr/bin/python2.7, so I no longer have access to my scientific Python stack.

The 1st issue can be worked around. The 2nd not so much. I hope I'm mis-using 
the library and can do this from within my Anaconda Python.

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