Dear GRASS GIS users,

After installing GRASS GIS via Homebrew I encountered a problem when I tried to 
create a new location and set the projection. (I also posted this question on 
Maybe someone of you has encountered the same problem or has any idea what 
might be the issue..

I work on MacOS Catalina and installed the latest stable release of GRASS GIS 
(7.8.2) with Homebrew via the osgeo/osgeo4mac tap using the commands brew tap 
osgeo/osgeo4mac and brew install osgeo-grass (as described on the GRASS website 
To get the GUI working also pip3 install wxpython was necessary. I could start 
GRASS with grass78 on the commandline. When I tried to create a new location 
and to set the projection/crs

I could not specify an EPSG code
browsing a georeferenced file to use its projection threw the error: 
"proj_get_authorities_from_database: Cannot find proj.db"
and creation of location was cancelled.

Regarding 1. EPSG codes: the newest proj version does not provide a file with 
epsg codes, seems like this was already an issue in GRASS 7.6 combined with 
proj 6.x ( 
<>) but still couldn't find a way to 
get it working e.g. with another epsg file copied into the directory.

Regarding 2. I tried several things that didn't work:

I installed proj 5 (with brew install osgeo-proj@5) and also proj 6 (with a 
bottle from 
<>) but it throws errors at the same 
point saying that some library (refering proj) was not loaded and image was not 

I tried to set the environment variable PROJ_LIB in .zshenv to the respective 
path where proj.db is located (for version 6 and 7 respectively), still it 
threw the same error(s).

Do I need to set any other environment variables or might it be something 
related to GDAL?

Thank you very much. 
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