Hi Helmut,

I have switched to the earlier rbatch version. But I still get the same
error message running r.futures.

This is what happens when I type R or Rscript in the Shell:

*run o-help for a list of available commandsC:\>RDer Befehl "R" ist
entweder falsch geschrieben oderkonnte nicht gefunden werden.C:\>RscriptDer
Befehl "Rscript" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oderkonnte nicht gefunden

(that means it's been typed wrong or couldn't be found).

In the Grass terminal running R or Rscript only works if I have set the
Path beforehand.

Best regards


Am Sa., 12. Dez. 2020 um 12:53 Uhr schrieb Helmut Kudrnovsky <hel...@web.de

> >It is still not working and the error message is still the same.
> install.packages(c("MuMIn", "lme4", "optparse", "rgrass7")) done?
> I got a similar error message when MuMIn wasn't installed.
> have you tried in OSGeo4W to switch to an earier rbatch version. then R
> should be added automatically to %PATH% and r.future.develop works as
> expected, see my earlier mail.
> if switched, type R and RScript into the OSGeo4W shell and report here.
> -----
> best regards
> Helmut
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