I have downloaded, installed and deleted the program now for so many times,
that there might be some residual data from before somewhere on my
computer. Could this be the problem?

Is there a way to properly uninstall all the programme data? I haven't been
able to find such a way as OSGeo4W or Grass won't show up in my programme

Am Sa., 12. Dez. 2020 um 12:53 Uhr schrieb Helmut Kudrnovsky <hel...@web.de

> >It is still not working and the error message is still the same.
> install.packages(c("MuMIn", "lme4", "optparse", "rgrass7")) done?
> I got a similar error message when MuMIn wasn't installed.
> have you tried in OSGeo4W to switch to an earier rbatch version. then R
> should be added automatically to %PATH% and r.future.develop works as
> expected, see my earlier mail.
> if switched, type R and RScript into the OSGeo4W shell and report here.
> -----
> best regards
> Helmut
> --
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