Thanks Rich. If this were a jigsaw puzzle I’d be missing the third piece.

Michael Allen
Industrial Weather

On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 7:48 AM, Rich Shepard <> wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, mdwxman wrote:
>> Very strange things happening here and I don't understand.
>> 1. I ran make install in the src directory and it finished without error.
>> grass78 is in /usr/local/bin as it should be. But running grass78 from
>> this directory produces this output:
>> (base) [root@godelsrevenge ~]# /usr/local/bin/grass78 --gui
>> Starting GRASS GIS...
>> ERROR: wxGUI requires wxPython. No module named 'wx'
>> I hope I've included enough detail to help with this.
> Michael,
> I faced this issue a few years ago. The solution is to add this line to
> ~/.bash_profile:
> export GRASS_WXVERSION=4.1.0
> or whichever version of wxPython is installed on that host.
> HTH,
> Rich
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